SINEA Research
Current Research

A member of SINEA, Dr Teodora Gliga is currently conducting sleep research as part of the SNOOSE Project (Sensory Origin of Poor Sleep in Early Development). She is using electroencephalography (EEG) to measure infants' brains, how they learn during sleep and how this may differ for infants with familial history of autism. For more information please visit:

Dr Alpar Lazar, a member and co-creator of SINEA is currently recruiting individuals aged over 60 who experience problems with their sleep. This study will investigate the use of non-pharmacological interventions in treating people with sleep difficulties. If you would like to get involved with this study, please visit:
Past Research
During summer 2021, researchers Dr Jo Bower and Dr Kerry Quincey (De Montfort University, Leicester), along with their two UEA Psychology interns, Chloe Rowland and Emily Tregaskis-Daniels, undertook a study investigating individuals’ sleep attitudes and experiences . They did this by conducting interviews with 16 members of the public and asking them to provide photos which described different aspects of sleep (e.g. a good night’s sleep, how they see themselves as a sleeper). Since then, Jo, Kerry, and two further interns, Robyn Bradley and Evie Brandish, have analysed the data, and presented it at the 2022 Qualitative Methods in Psychology Conference. They also plan to publish a research paper explaining their findings later this year.